Current Issue
Volume 8, Issue 1, 2025
ISSN: 2619-9548
Field: Gastronomy, Hospitality, Travel, Recreation, Tourism and Tourism Education
Type: Peer - Reviewed Journal
Publish Period: Quarterly in Year and Online




Submission Process of a Manuscript 

Authors should certify that neither the manuscript nor its main contents have already been published or submitted for publication in another journal.

The "Author Guidelines" file below is a helping guide to the authors in preparing a manuscript.

Authors are also advised to follow the GUIDE FOR THE AUTHORS in preparing the manuscript before submission.

We need a signed copyright form and submission fee payment receipt to start the evaluation process.

Please see the PRICE POLICY and ETHICS POLICY tabs!

The "Copyright Form" file below should be downloaded, filled out, signed by the authors, scanned, converted to PDF, and then sent to the journal's email.

All manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the e-mail to the editor at This e-mail address is protected from spambots.

Authors are advised to follow the Author Guidelines in preparing the manuscript before submission.

In accordance with the decision taken at the General Assembly of

the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) dated 07.03.2019,

submission fee must be requested regardless of the acceptance/rejection condition of the article. 

Therefore, the submission process to the journal consists of 3 stages.

*The first stage of article submission to the journal is to send manuscript
to the e-mail
If your article is deemed suitable for the journal by the editor, you will be informed within 1 week by a confirmation e-mail from
After the confirmation mail,

*The second stage of submission is to pay 4000 TL.
as submission fee to cover journal expenses (typesetting, etc.).
-Payment must be made from the account of the corresponding author of the article.

-The manuscript to submit, copyright form and submission fee payment receipt
should be sent to together as attachments to the same mail.
-The article evaluation process starts after the payment receipt is arrived to "

*The third stage of submission is to send information stated below
or the preparation of your e-invoice to the
Citizenship number (TC Number):
E-mail address:

of the payer corresponding author.

*For your information, If your submitted article is not accepted
based on the editorial board or referee reports, there are no refunds or other rights available to you.

Review and Publication Process

Manuscripts may be rejected without peer review by the editor-in-chief if they do not comply with the instructions or are beyond the journal's scope.

A full double-blind refereeing process is used. According to the recommendations of reviewers, it is determined whether a paper will be accepted or not. The recommendations of reviewers should be taken into consideration by the authors. Reviewers can directly reject or find the manuscript can be published. Reviewers can also want to see the manuscript after corrections are made according to the recommendations.        

For papers that require changes, the same reviewers will be used to ensure that the quality of the revised paper is acceptable.

An acceptance letter will be provided after the revising process.

Author/Corresponding Author will be notified of the possible date of publication.



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